Saturday, September 8, 2012

Almost a year later...

Hello internet!

It's been almost a year since the last post.  Sorry about that.  I picked up a stellar oil painting by April V. at a Goodwill in Phoenix, Arizona.  I thought I had taken a picture of it- turns out that I didn't.  Sorry!

Anyhow, April V.'s painting was a perfect choice because of the Bob-Rossian sky, lake, and shrubs.  Bob Ross would have done better, but I'm sure that April V. was young and inexperienced at the time.  On top of her mountains, under the clouds she writes, "If I had a wish, I would with to be here!" except, she wrote it, "IF I HAD A WISh, I Would WISh To be Here!" The scene was calling out for Laura S. to help it!  A tentacle monster reaching out of the lake for anything!  Good versus evil!  Weird flying bird-people seemed to be a good target.

Here is the first stage:

You'll have to excuse the terrible quality of photo... once it's done, I'll take a picture with a real camera...!  Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I am a slacker!

I have taken the first painting out of the frame. I have decided that Godzilla would be appropriate. I have determined that I will probably paint on the matting... I have also become distracted by tons of things around me...

Tonight. Tomorrow. Go go procrastination!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Painting I

Painting I:

This is not the best photograph of the painting (damn glass!), but as you can see, the wild horses are most definitely running away from something. Are they running away from bad lighting? bad perspective? awkward point of view? I believe they're running from the southwestern Godzilla.

Goal: re-paint this cliche to include the monster that the horses are obviously running from.

The Beginning

In the beginning there were terrible paintings at thrift-stores around the country.

One day, I decided that I could definitely improve on them. My goal is to better these thrift-store finds by adding my own touch. Monsters, zombies, correcting point-of-view, etc...

These are my projects.